Restaurant prime costs

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What is Prime Cost in a Restaurant

The prime cost is an essential concept that every restaurateur should understand to maximize profits. Running a restaurant can be a challenging business, with many factors to consider in order to ensure profitability. One key factor that is often overlooked by new restaurant owners is the concept of prime cost.

What is Prime Cost?

Prime cost is the sum of all direct costs involved in producing and selling food and beverages in a restaurant. It includes the cost of ingredients, labor, and any other supplies that are necessary for preparing and serving meals.

Prime cost is calculated by adding the cost of goods sold (COGS) and the total labor cost. COGS includes the cost of ingredients, such as food and beverages, while labor cost includes wages, taxes, and benefits paid to employees involved in food preparation, service, and management.

Why is Prime Cost Important?

The prime cost is a crucial factor in determining the profitability of a restaurant. By accurately calculating prime cost, you can determine how much it costs to produce each menu item, adjust pricing, and decide on the most efficient labor practices.

If the prime cost is too high, it can result in lower profit margins or even losses. On the other hand, if the prime cost is too low, it can indicate that the restaurant is underutilizing its resources and not maximizing profits.

Knowing your restaurant’s prime cost is essential for making informed decisions about pricing your menu items, managing inventory levels, and ensuring profitability. 

For example, if you notice that your prime cost is consistently higher than industry averages, you may need to renegotiate supplier contracts or adjust your menu pricing to maintain profitability. On the other hand, if your prime cost is lower than expected, you may have an opportunity to increase your marketing efforts or invest in new equipment to improve efficiency.

How to Calculate Prime Cost in a Restaurant

The formula for calculating prime cost is straightforward: 

Prime Cost = Cost of Goods Sold + Total Labor Costs. 

Cost of Goods Sold refers to the cost of all the ingredients used in preparing the food and beverages served in your restaurant, including the cost of packaging and utensils. 

Labor Costs refer to the total amount of money spent on salaries, wages, and benefits for all employees.

COGS refers to the cost of all the ingredients and supplies needed to make the dishes on your menu. To calculate COGS, follow these steps:

  1. Create a list of all the ingredients and supplies you’ve purchased during a specific period of time (e.g. a week, a month).
  2. Assign a cost to each item on the list.
  3. Add up the total cost of all the items on the list.

Here are some steps to help you manage your prime costs:

Step 1: Calculate Your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

Your COGS is the sum of all the direct costs associated with producing your menu items. This includes the cost of ingredients, packaging, and any other materials required to make your dishes. To calculate your COGS, use the following formula: COGS = Beginning Inventory + Purchases – Ending Inventory

Step 2: Calculate Your Labor Costs

Labor costs refer to the salaries or wages paid to your employees who work directly in the production of your menu items. This includes chefs, line cooks, prep cooks, and dishwashers. To calculate your labor costs, add up the total amount you paid your employees over a period of time, such as a week or month.

Step 3: Determine Your Overhead Costs

Overhead costs are indirect expenses that are necessary to keep your restaurant running but do not directly contribute to the production of your menu items. This includes rent, utilities, insurance, marketing, and administrative expenses. To determine your overhead costs, add up all of the expenses you incurred that are not included in your COGS or labor costs.

Step 4: Calculate Your Prime Costs

To calculate your prime costs, add your COGS and labor costs together. This will give you the total cost of producing your menu items. Subtract this number from your total revenue to determine your gross profit.

How Can You Control Prime Cost?

To maintain a profitable restaurant, it is essential to control prime cost. Here are some tips:

  • Track your inventory regularly to ensure that you are using ingredients efficiently and minimizing waste.
  • Optimize your menu by identifying which items are popular and profitable and eliminating those that are not.
  • Train and manage your staff effectively to reduce labor costs and increase efficiency.
  • Monitor your expenses regularly and adjust pricing accordingly to maintain profitability.

Reducing Prime Cost

If your restaurant’s prime cost is too high, there are several strategies you can use to reduce it:

  • Optimize your menu to include high-profit items
  • Reduce food waste by controlling inventory levels and portion sizes
  • Improve kitchen efficiency by streamlining processes and training staff
  • Monitor labor costs closely to ensure staffing levels are appropriate for demand
  • Negotiate better contracts with suppliers to reduce COGS

By implementing these strategies and monitoring your prime cost regularly, you can improve your restaurant’s profitability and set yourself up for long-term success.

How Often Should You Calculate Prime Cost in Your Restaurant?

How often should you calculate your prime cost? The answer is simple: as often as possible! Ideally, you should be reviewing your prime cost on a weekly basis. This will allow you to track any changes in your expenses and adjust your pricing accordingly.

Some restaurant owners may choose to calculate their prime cost on a monthly basis instead. While this is better than not calculating it at all, it may not give you as accurate of a picture of your expenses. Plus, waiting a full month to make adjustments could mean losing out on valuable profit.


Prime cost is an essential concept that every restaurant owner or manager should understand. By accurately calculating prime cost and implementing strategies to control it, you can maximize profits and ensure success in the highly competitive restaurant industry.

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